Wondering If Your Snoring Is Linked To Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Work with our experts in Poseyville, IN to find out

Some people have a harmless form of snoring that only affects the people around them. However, snoring can also be a sign of a serious medical condition known as obstructive sleep apnea. Of the people who have been diagnosed with OSA, 95% of them snore.

Whether your snoring is related to obstructive sleep apnea or you just snore, you should turn to Poseyville Dental Sleep Solutions for treatment. Our clinic in Poseyville, IN is dedicated to helping people achieve the restful sleep they need.

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6 signs you have sleep apnea

Some health issues you perceive as being normal or unrelated may actually be sleep apnea symptoms. You might be suffering from the condition if:

  1. You have type 2 diabetes
  2. You often wake up throughout the night
  3. You snore loud enough to be heard behind a closed door
  4. You stop breathing while sleeping and wake up gasping for air
  5. You require more than one medication to control your blood pressure
  6. You feel fatigued throughout the day regardless of the number of hours you sleep

You can count on our experts to identify any sleep apnea symptoms and help you find a long-lasting solution to your sleep troubles. Call us now at 812-874-2029 to take the first step toward better sleep.

Do You Snore?

You are not alone. Did you know that up to 50% of people snore? Additionally, 20% of these people have some form of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). If we look into the people who have been diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea(OSA), 95% of them snore.

So what is snoring? Snoring is the sound produced by an obstruction in the airway. Think of the airway as a tube; as air is trying to move in and out, the surrounding structures begin to collapse and vibration begins. Snoring can be harmless and only pose a problem for the people around you. However, snoring can also be a sign of a serious medical condition: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Only a sleep study that is reviewed by a sleep physician can diagnose the difference between harmless snoring and OSA.

Wondering about your snoring? Wondering about a loved one's snoring? Try this simple screening tool-Click Here!

What are some signs that your snoring is serious rather than harmless?

  • Do you snore loud enough to be heard behind a closed door?
  • Have you been told you stop breathing while sleeping? Ever wake up gasping for air?
  • Do you often wake up throughout the night? Even to use the washroom?
  • Do you require more than one medication to control your blood pressure?
  • Do you feel fatigued throughout the day regardless of the number of hours you were asleep?
  • Do you have type II diabetes?

Hopefully your snoring is just snoring, and we can reduce or possibly eliminate it all together. While this may not directly affect you, it will be a welcomed change for the people around you.
However, if you have obstructive sleep apnea and do not have it treated, studies are now saying that untreated sleep apnea is a greater risk to your health than smoking tobacco. Please give us a call and we would be happy to set up a time to speak with you further. Let us help you get good sleep for better health.

Women Who Snore

A study was conducted in Israel where they evaluated patients for sleep disorders. They concluded that "Women tend to underreport their own snoring and underestimate its loudness, leading to underdiagnosis of sleep conditions."
According to the study, 88 % of women evaluated snored, but only 72% admitted to snoring. Whereas, 93% of men self reported as snorers and it was measured as such.
As was mentioned, women underreport the intensity in which they snore, however the study concluded that both sexes had an almost identical volume. "We found that although no difference in snoring intensity was found between genders, women tend to underreport the fact that they snore and to underestimate the loudness of their snoring" said lead investigator Nimrod Naimon. "The fact that women reported snoring less often and described it as milder may be on the barriers preventing women from reaching sleep clinics for a sleep study."

Women tend to have different indicators than men as well. When looking at medications more women with sleep apnea will be on anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications than men.
If you are a woman and are suffering with any of these symptoms, call us for a consultation today. Let us help you get good sleep for better health!