"Honestly, I didn't think I had sleep apnea. The only reason I went through the sleep study was because my husband said I snored and should get tested. After I took the study with Dr. Alesia Brown, it showed that I had severe sleep apnea; so Dr. Brown fitted me with an appliance. My husband was happy and he slept better because I didn't snore anymore. I noticed that when I wore the appliance, I made fewer trips to the bathroom during the night. Instead of going every two hours, I would go only once or twice. Another change that I noticed was that instead of feeling tired and out of sorts in the morning, I woke up refreshed and ready to go.
After wearing my appliance for about four months, I stopped wearing it because I had to be awake at odd hours during the night to take care of my husband. When I started wearing the appliance again, I noticed that I definitely breathed better at night and felt better during the day.
Dr. Alesia Brown and her staff have been very helpful, patient, and courteous. I am very thankful of the sleep apnea appliance and the positive impact it's made on the quality of my life."
Age 77
"The Dream TAP appliance has truly been amazing and exceeded my expectations. When I attempted to wear my CPAP, I found that I was unable to get comfortable, and I was constantly getting tangled in the hose. I had enough of the CPAP and decided to give up on it. I didn't wear any appliances, even though I knew I was not getting good quality sleep. I always found myself exhausted the next day.
When Dr. Brown informed me of another option, the Dream TAP appliance, I was thrilled that this might be the answer. I'm proud to say it was exactly what I needed to have better quality sleep. I am
now able to rest all through the night, sleep comfortably, and function better the next day. Best of all, even my wife is getting better sleep now that I don't snore near as bad!"
Age 39
We will be closed Monday, December 23rd through Sunday, January 5th for the Holidays! Have a safe and happy holiday!